The Great Gatsby – 1920s
Baz Lurman’s latest block buster The Great Gatsby, has seen a resurgence of interest in The Prohibition Period of the 1920s. This era flaunted excess to an extreme that was previously unseen or experienced by such a broad class of society. Although alcohol was the target of prohibition during these years, the parties behind closed doors became a rendez-vous of adult vices.

The Real Deal Fun Casino sets the scene:
Recreate this magical time for your event. Invite your guests to come dressed in the decadence of the day that was the 1920s. The Real Deal Fun Casino comes to the party with professional croupiers and full size illuminated gaming tables – so stylish, high society in days-gone-by could only dream of entertainment like this!
Roll out the red carpet for your guests and dazzle them with our 1920s – Gatsby – Prohibition casino theme that combines something old, with all things new.