“Five and Two…
you’re all through!”
We have had a run on our biggest game of 2014, Craps! So we put together a 3, 2, 1 of various aspects of the game.

The 3 moves when shooting the dice :

#1 Set the Dice
– the dice should show the number you are shooting for. If it doesn’t, set the dice to that number (setting dice can only be done on the layout).
#2 Blow on the dice
– this is the only ‘good luck’ move authorised when holding the dice.
#3 Shoot the dice
– hard enough to hit the back wall.

The 2 don’ts when playing dice :
#1 Don’t play the DON’Ts
– a quick way to not make friends on the Craps table.

#2 Don’t say ‘Seven’ when the game is under way
– another way not to make friends.

The number ONE question asked by ladies at the Craps table :
“What does COME mean?”

… and it’s not what you think it is.

The Real Deal Fun Casino
The experts in Fun Casino Craps